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Título : Successful English 1
Otros títulos : A Cognitive Approach To Learning English
Autor : Scott Rogers, Aaron
Burbano Mera, Ana Malena
Palabras clave : English Course
English Vocabulary
English Functions
English Grammar
Fecha de publicación : 2007
Editorial : Editorial Universidad Cesmag
Resumen : This series of texts has been designed bearing In mind the cognitive learning needs of the students who study in the I.U. CESMAG. It has been the result of research carried out between 2004 and 2006 regarding how students process the information that they are presented with. This text is designed to stimulate learning in a context that is appropriate and relevant for the students. Teachers that use these texts must remember that they are responding to student needs not teacher needs and therefore must adapt their methodology accordingly. Each unit has been organized according to the aforementioned needs basing itself on the four basic language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. These skills have been distributed integrally within the text ¡o as to give a balanced approach to language learning.
Descripción : Unidad 1. Who are you? | Unidad 2. Living in the lap of luxury | Unidad 3. How often do you...? | Unidad 4. Recipe for Success | Unidad 5. It could be you...? | Unidad 6. What to wear
URI : http://repositorio.unicesmag.edu.co:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/72
ISBN : 978-958-98155-3-3
Aparece en las colecciones: Libros (Fragmentos)

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